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Multi focus reading glasses reduce eye strain by bringing everything into clear focus. With these lenses, you no longer have to switch between multiple pairs of glasses. Instead, you can enjoy one pair of glasses that work hard, so your...

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Let’s be honest, you could make eyeglasses from pretty much anything. And trust us, people have! Back in the day, tortoiseshell frames weren’t made of plastic or acetate, they were made from actual tortoiseshell! And the thick brows on...

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The average glasses wearer doesn’t need lenses with prism correction. Eyeglasses with prism correction eliminate or reduce diplopia, or double vision. Double vision occurs when light enters our eyes at the wrong angle, broadcasting two,...

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Most glasses are made of plastic lenses, or “organic glass,” if you want to get fancy. But why are so many glasses lenses made of plastic?   In most cases, they’re lighter than traditional glass lenses, which means they’re more comfortable...

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You finally did it, you finally found the perfect pair of sunglasses. It took years of bad pairs, pairs you thought were great but ended up hating, pairs that slipped off the nose or pinched the bridge. But now you have the holy grail of...

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Eyeglasses are one of the few accessories that have a specific purpose beyond just looking good. Many of us need them to see distant objects or to read small print, especially as we age. Despite their importance in our lives, most people...

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Haven’t you heard? It’s time to think twice before dissing your gramps and granny’s glasses again. It turns out that those vintage round glasses they wore back in the day are more popular than ever now, and are undeniably one of 2018’s...

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When your eye doctor gives you a vision prescription, you don’t question whether you should get eyeglasses or contacts. You know they’re as necessary as any other medical device. But even though they help you see clearly, untinted lenses...

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Reviewed by Sonia Kelley, OD, MS on June 21, 2023 If you’ve been told you need prescription eyeglasses to correct astigmatism, you may be wondering what makes glasses for astigmatism different from other types of eyewear. Read on to learn...

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When you’re buying a pair of prescription glasses, you probably have an important question on your mind: “Does insurance cover eyeglasses?” Depending on your health plan, your insurance may cover prescription eyeglasses...

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